Monday, September 28, 2009

This Old Truck

Trucks of the past have awesome curves and character. With this wonderful image I have created two unique looks. The vote is split at the Parrish home. Help me out. . .which one do you like? The one on the left is a combination infrared combined with a de-saturated colored truck. The one on the right looks more like an old time sepia gone bad. I would tell you which one I like, but would really hate to sway your opinion. I look forward to hearing the comments!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Dirt Road House - Side View

Yes, I have a theme going. Some call it my dark side, some call it creepy, I call it "Artistic Expression!"

This is another view of the of the house below, the side this time. I made this one with a simple sepia tone to it, bumped up the contrast, and then left it alone. Sometimes, it doesn't take much to me happy.

Dirt Road House at Night!

This is another side of the "Rock Road House." Yes, it was very creepy and the coyotes were making some noise very close by.

Dirt Road House!

This is my other favorite thing to photograph - Old Structures! I love hearing the stories that follow these falling down, creepy places. I hope you like them too!

The big window on the left is where the animals stayed and the family lived in the house on the right. There is a wall (or what's left of it) that separates the two sides.
This is one of my favorite shots. I loved this old church. By applying some grain and streaks I made it look like a really old photograph from my grandmother's chest of goodies.